New Zealand attracts Chinese tourists

Chinese spent $ 555 million in New Zealand

  New Zealand tourism is changing with the arrival of Chinese travelers. All industries across the country benefited from this new target and contributed to the $ 500 million increase in overall purchasing expenditures last year. China has seen its spending increase by 37% over the last year. According to the quarterly survey of international visitors of the Ministry of Commerce, Innovation and Employment, the Chinese spent $ 555 million in September 2012, placing them for the first time in the United Kingdom (545 millions of dollars). Australian market (spending $ 1.7 billion) [...] Expenses in China During the year ended March 31, 2013, Canadian and foreign tourists spent $ 23.9 billion, $ 541 million, or 2.3% more than the previous year. 

 The tourism bureau launched a vast promotional campaign in China 


The Statistics New Zealand report showed that spending by international tourists increased 2.2% ($ 213 million) during the year, following a 1.4% increase the previous year. This increase in spending was partly related to the strong growth of Chinese visitors.New Zealand Promotion in China! Of course, a number of key events helped boost tourism activity during the year, including the world premiere of Peter Jackson's Hobbit movies. But for China, the tourism bureau launched a vast promotional campaign in China in 2011-2012 with Yao Chen, the queen of the social network in China.

  Social media really did a great job as Tourism New Zealand

 Social media really did a great job as Tourism New Zealand, with the choice of the brand ambassador Yaochen in Mainland China. On August 20, Yao Chen began his 100-day tour of New Zealand, and the first phase of the 100% Revive Your Emotions campaign and wedding ceremony took place in New Zealand. (see here) celebrity wedding from New Zealand Between filming, Yaochen found the time of "weibo" more than 70 times to its 20 million fans, the equivalent of 14 tweets every day! One of his first tweets "New Zealand, the first country in the world to be embraced by the sun". Weibo from Yaochen The star has experienced five emotions, relaxation, romance, happiness, excitement and discovery on her travels through the rich and unique landscape of New Zealand.

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